Why do humans speak so many languages?

Why do humans speak so many languages?

The thatched roof held back the sun’s rays, but it could not keep the tropical heat at bay. As everyone at the research workshop headed outside for a break, small groups splintered off to gather in the shade of coconut trees and enjoy a breeze. I wandered from group to group, joining in the discussions. Each time, I noticed that…

Dogs process language in a similar way to humans – MRI brain scans discover evidence

Dogs process language in a similar way to humans – MRI brain scans discover evidence

Dogs can understand human speech and are only truly happy if a praising tone of voice is matched by the actual words spoken Dogs understand what some human words mean, according to a study published in the prestigious journal Science. In a world-first experiment, academics in Hungary trained 13 dogs to voluntarily lie in an MRI scanner to monitor what happened in their brain…

Catchphrase to cliché: how corporate-speak became common in our daily lives

Catchphrase to cliché: how corporate-speak became common in our daily lives

Should you ever wish to be reminded of those irritating workplace catchphrases, the internet abounds in news features and helpful sites – “26 Annoying Business Clichés You Should Stop Using Immediately”; “The Most Annoying, Pretentious And Useless Business Jargon”, to name just two. There is even ClichéSite.com, which claims to be the largest collection of such linguistic pinpricks. When they…