Proven Quality

Going the extra mile

We’re AVALON: true English<>German bilingual passionates on their mission to consistently provide quality second to none in the sector. It seems to be in our DNA, in a manner. By taking the initiative and going the extra mile for your project, ordinary services become extraordinary. The unique quality thus achieved leads to maximised client satisfaction and loyalty. This, in return, gives us a powerful competitive advantage. Quality, that old-fashioned virtue nowadays featuring again in the most-advanced management theories, became our natural way of life in business.
They say you get what you pay for. We give our clients more! And this includes a meaningful 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.


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Mission transparent
– Innovation –

Our Mission is to provide innovative comprehensive service products in English and German – rendered online, 24/7, and with global scope. We operate to highest European standards in order to create value and make a real difference in our business subject.

– Leadership –

Our Vision is to become a leader in optimising the business of online advanced linguistic services in Europe and powering its future. – Human talent embracing the functions of Artificial Intelligence, and preparing for the state of Technological Singularity.

– Development –

Our Strategy is the systematic evolution of online fully inclusive services in our tongues. We thereby focus on our core competencies, while forming strategic partnerships in other fields. AVALON Linguistic, the one-stop shop, delivering top-quality performance and service.

Awesome things in business are almost never done by just one person.
They're rather achieved by a team of committed people.









Proven Successful

Getting on with AVALON

Success is a result of what we do in life. It doesn’t just come and find us; in fact, we have to go out and create it ourselves. More particularly, successful businesses don’t just happen automatically, they are rather managed and run effectively. Working hard for our clients’ ultimate satisfaction with our project performance simply is our best business strategy at all since it will eventually also contribute to our sustainable organisational success. Happy clients are our biggest brand ambassadors. This is a classical win-win situation, to your and our mutual benefit. Just anything is possible together!
What can we do for you?

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Proven Client Satisfaction

Are we liked? In all modesty, it seems so. We can in fact go on and on about why you should choose AVALON Linguistic for the performance, quality, and level of care that our team provides. But you don't just have to take our word for it, and we genuinely believe that our clients say it best.
Read here about their experiences with us:




Truly the best. Excellent quality!

Innovamax GmbH

Berlin, Germany


Excellent professional writing and translation, adapted to the specific situation, service or product, and at an unbeatable price. We are Avalon Linguistic customer for many years and always received 200% performance, service & friendliness. Thinking ahead is a key feature of their teams, and SEO and formatting are automatically included with every project.




Absolutely fantastic work!
The highest level of professionalism coupled with strong commitment – we can recommend 100%!

VY Project Consulting GmbH

Oberägeri, Switzerland

First-class translation of my non-fiction book for publication to the international market, respecting my writing style and all its nuances. Thanks to proficient proofreading and formatting included, the final editing and subsequent publishing were a no-brainer. Genuinely recommended for even the most challenging of projects.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U. Winkelhake

Heidelberg, Germany

We were much impressed with the supreme quality and personal service we received from this great team. Working with only the finest of language professionals, plus exceptional management make Avalon-Linguistic evident leaders in their field. Go raibh maith agat.

Westmond Ltd.

Dublin, Rep. of Ireland

Highly skilled rewriting and translation services with attention to the smallest of details, refined by expert editing and final proofreading for direct publishing with full peace of mind. Team Avalon became a most reliable and valued partner to our business over all these years. Much recommended.

Medizin Heute


Superb multilingual support, from writing and translations over formatting through to final publishing in German. With their expertise and energetic dedication, AVALON unfailingly provide us with a top-quality very effective service, even when ever again high article volumes are involved at tight deadlines. Many thanks!

Unser Planet


Remember: There are the many in the language industry who are merely translation providers ...
and then again there is the end-to-end Avalon Intelligence concept.

No reason whatsoever to go for anything less than ultimate quality and service when it comes
to professional English/German language services. Compromise nothing – get everything!

We profoundly value the trust and confidence put in us by our clients.
Would you also love to be truly appreciated yourself?
We are at all times on standby to care for you.


Avalon Business Director


 London ∙ Dublin ∙ Duesseldorf