. 2025 will be a year of expectations. Will new leaders be able to deliver? It seems appropriate that 2025 has been designated the year of quantum science and technology by the United Nations. Because like Schrödinger’s cat, which (in a quantum thought-experiment) was both alive and dead at the same time inside a closed box, 2025 has hovered in…
World Freedom Day has been designated in 2001 by then US President George W. Bush to commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall. The date is not so much about the wall itself though, but more about what it symbolised: the end of communism in both Central and Eastern Europe. This special day was created to celebrate the reunification of…
Chinese is known as one of the most difficult languages to understand and interpret, and the struggle can clearly be seen from the many public signs with hilarious English mistranslation. However, China has finally unrolled a plan to eradicate “Chinglish” before the 2022 Winter Olympics and is working on improving the quality to standard English in 13 public areas like transportation, entertainment and medicine.
There are a lot of languages in the world, a whole lot actually. Ethnologue, the biggest authority on languages on the web, estimates that there are over 7,000 spoken languages in the world. Check out this list of the most popular languages worldwide to see which language has the most native speakers. You will also find a bit more context…