The stunning evolution of humankind in just 17 seconds

The stunning evolution of humankind in just 17 seconds

A short hypnotic video tells the evolution of our species with a dramatic flipbook animation
Time is relative, and there’s even something illusionist about it, and this is especially true when we try to condense the entire history of humanity within a small flipbook. This video does just that. It tells the story of the species: 550 million years of evolution in just a few seconds.

What’s the language of the future?

What’s the language of the future?

As English takes over the world, it’s splintering and changing – and soon, we may not recognise it at all This article is excerpted from the new book, “The Language Wars: A History of Proper English” from Farrar, Straus and Girous. No language has spread as widely as English, and it continues to spread. Internationally the desire to learn it is…

Why using a period in a text message could make you sound insincere or angry

Why using a period in a text message could make you sound insincere or angry

When it comes to texting, the period, full stop, point – whatever you call it – has been getting a lot of attention. People have begun noticing slight changes to the way our smallest punctuation mark is deployed, from declarations that it’s going out of style to claims that it’s becoming angry. What they’re actually noticing is written language becoming…

How social media fires people’s passions – and builds extremist divisions

How social media fires people’s passions – and builds extremist divisions

The people of the United States continue to learn how polarized and divided the nation has become. In one study released in late October by the Pew Research Center, Americans were found to have become increasingly partisan in their views. On issues as diverse as health care, immigration, race and sexuality, Americans today hold more extreme and more divergent views…

Artificial Intelligence can detect / create fake news

Artificial Intelligence can detect / create fake news

A visualisation of a fake vs real news distribution pattern; users who predominantly share fake news are coloured red, and users who don’t share fake news at all are coloured blue   When Mark Zuckerberg told Congress Facebook would use artificial intelligence (AI) to detect fake news posted on the social media site, he wasn’t particularly specific about what that…

Why do humans speak so many languages?

Why do humans speak so many languages?

The thatched roof held back the sun’s rays, but it could not keep the tropical heat at bay. As everyone at the research workshop headed outside for a break, small groups splintered off to gather in the shade of coconut trees and enjoy a breeze. I wandered from group to group, joining in the discussions. Each time, I noticed that…