There are a lot of languages in the world, a whole lot actually. Ethnologue, the biggest authority on languages on the web, estimates that there are over 7,000 spoken languages in the world. Check out this list of the most popular languages worldwide to see which language has the most native speakers. You will also find a bit more context…
Most of us dread dealing with them, but call centres are hard to avoid as an increasingly ubiquitous aspect of modern life. However hard they try, it just seems that they can never quite get the right balance between friendliness and sincerity. My recent study in the Journal of Sociolinguistics sheds light on a key feature of call centre communication:…
Few things are as irritating as the jargon of the modern workplace. But what do our everyday office catchphrases really mean – and where do they come from? Let’s try an essential guide to middle-management-speak here. Between the many common irritating buzz words and phrases, you may well have your personal least favourite bit of biz jargon. After all, there’s…